
Top 70 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Top 70 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers 2023-24

Digital marketing is a fast-growing field with a vast reach and agility to transform any business. This domain offers lucrative career opportunities without any geographical limitations. With the right set of skills, you can work nationally, and internationally and even set up your own business. But we will advise you to get some experience before starting on your entrepreneurial journey. 

Back to the matter at hand, access to the right digital marketing questions and answers can easily get you the dream job you want. To help you achieve your goal, we have covered the essential digital marketing interview questions and answers in this blog. We have divided these digital marketing interview questions and answers into different sections at your convenience. From SEO to PPC to Social media marketing, and a section devoted to digital marketing interview questions and answers for freshers, we have ensured that every important question related to your digital marketing domain is answered. 

So, without any delay, let’s start our journey and start from the very first section of digital marketing interview questions and answers for freshers.

A. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

1. What does digital marketing mean?


 Ans. Digital marketing as the name implies means marketing and advertising done through digital modes and electronic devices. This is a modern and most effective form of marketing with quantifiable results. Digital marketing appears on electronic devices connected to the web like mobile phones, tablets, computers, etc. Some examples of digital marketing include SEO, social media posts, online videos and display ads, etc.



Q2. Name different aspects of digital marketing. 



Ans. Digital marketing has different aspects that we can use to target our core audience. Some of these are as below:


SEO or Search Engine Optimization 

SEM or Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Email Marketing

Content Marketing

Social Media Marketing

E-commerce Marketing



Q3. What are the effective ways to raise website traffic?



Ans. Some of the best and most effective ways to raise traffic to your website are through: 


Social media advertising

Display advertising

Content marketing

Email marketing

SEO including content optimization

Paid search

Writing sharp and engaging headlines

Targeting long-tail keywords

Guest blogging

Seeking referral traffic

Internal links and quality external links

Implementing schema microdata



Q4. List some of the important and popular digital marketing tools.



Ans. Some of the important digital marketing tools include the following.


Ahrefs- for SEO analysis and backlinks. 


Buffer App- for social media management.


BuzzSumo- for engagement and outreach opportunities.


Crazy Egg Heatmaps- for measuring webpage and website engagement.


Google Analytics- essential for any website owner.


Google Keyword Planner- finding keywords for your campaign or business.


Keyword Discovery- finding keywords and search terms across search engines.


MailChimp- essential e-mail marketing tool.


Moz- a comprehensive SEO tool.


SEMrush- a comprehensive digital marketing tool.


XML Sitemap Generator- helps Google bots navigate and index new webpages.


AdEspresso- for Facebook ad management and optimization.



Q5. List ways to increase web page speed.



Ans. Here are some of the ways to increase web page speed on your website.


Make the website design simple.


Improve server response times.


Enable browser caching.


Image optimization.


Reduce redirects.


Opt for a CDN (Content Delivery Network).



Q.6. Tell us some different approaches to segment buyer personas.



Ans. You can segment buyer personas and target your core audience in these different ways.


Demographic segmentation: You can segment the audience through demographics like age, gender, education, income, occupation, and much more.


Geographic segmentation: You can segment your target audience through geographic details like localities, cities, states, countries, and continents. 


Behavioral segmentation: You can segment your target audience through their behavior and subsequent decision-making patterns like online activity, search history, likes, purchases, and much more.



Q.7. What does A/B Testing mean? 



Ans. A/B testing is an effective method to analyze any digital marketing campaign. It helps determine which campaign is more effective. E.g., In email marketing campaigns, the better campaign will have high open rates and click rates.



Q.8. Why is competitive analysis essential in digital marketing?



Ans. Competitive analysis is critical to creating a digital marketing plan. It identifies competitors to your business and helps evaluate their business strategies. You can analyze these strategies to determine their strengths and weaknesses. This helps you position your brand and products and services in a manner that attracts your target audience.  


9. What is a responsive web design?


Ans. A responsive web design makes your website compatible with different devices and browsers. It ensures that visitors to a website have a great viewing experience irrespective of the device they are using. Responsive web design uses images, grids, a mix of flexible layouts, and CSS media queries to achieve this feat. 


So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for freshers. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for SEO below. 

B. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for SEO

10. What is SEO?  

Ans. SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization and helps your webpages to get to the top of organic search results. It raises the visibility of your website to your target audience thus increasing the quantity and quality of your website traffic.   

11. List some different types of SEO.

Ans. SEO can be broadly categorized into three types. These are as below.

White hat SEO- This SEO strategy adheres to the search engine guidelines to improve the search engine rankings of a website that remains long-lasting. This strategy uses ethical techniques like link acquisition, high-quality content, website HTML optimization, and restructuring. 

Black hat SEO- This SEO strategy does not follow the guidelines set by search engines. This strategy uses unethical techniques that exploit the vulnerabilities in the search engine algorithms to achieve high rankings quickly that are unsustainable in the long run. Some of the unethical techniques used are link spam, keyword stuffing, hidden text, and hidden links. 

Grey hat SEO – Grey hat SEO strategy is a mix of black and white SEO. It is a fluid approach that sometimes makes use of white SEO and sometimes black SEO practices to achieve the results. 

12. Why are anchor tags used in SEO?

Ans. Anchor texts are clickable text in a hyperlink that is visible. The words mentioned in the anchor text can boost the webpage’s ranking in search engines.

13. What is the relevancy of backlinks in SEO?

Ans. Backlinks are external links from other websites to your site. This help improves the SEO of your site through the following means.

Backlinks from reputed websites improve the credibility of your site.

Raise domain authority.

Improve organic search ranking.

Raised referral traffic.

14. How can you identify bad links?

Ans. You can identify bad links through the following attributes. 

Repetitive links.

Links from questionable and low-authority domains.

Links that go to irrelevant sources or context.

Links pointing towards link exchanges.

Link from same anchor texts from several websites.

Spam and paid links.

15. What are keywords and how are they essential for SEO? 

Ans. Keywords are the words, texts, and phrases that a visitor uses to search for a product or service on the web. Keywords are the core and fundamental element of your SEO efforts. They are critical to ensure higher rankings on the search engine result pages. An SEO-optimized website with the right keywords improves its ranking, and visibility thus ensuring quality website traffic. 

16. What do long-tail keywords mean?

Ans. Long-tail keywords as the name implies are longer and contain a more specific keyword phrase. Long-tail keywords focus on a targeted search query, thus leading to fewer search volumes but with a significantly higher conversion value.

17. How should you use Short Tail and Long Tail keywords?  

Ans. Use short-tail keywords to increase website traffic. Use long-tail keywords for targeted pages featuring products and services. 

18. To optimize web page ranking, in which areas you should use the keywords? 

Ans. Keyword optimization is a fundamental part of SEO. Use keywords in the following areas for keyword optimization.  


Meta Description

Title Tag

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

Web page content

Image Alt Tags

19. List some tools for Keyword Analysis.

Ans. Here are some of the excellent free keyword analysis tools. 

Google Ads Keyword Planner

Google Trends

Google Autosuggest

AdWords & SEO Keyword Permutation Generator


Ubersuggest, and

Keyword In among several others. 

So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for the SEO domain. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for Google SEM below. 

C. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Google Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

20. Explain what is Google Ads.


Ans. Google Ads was previously known as Google AdWords. It is a PPC (pay-per-click) web advertising platform developed by Google and one of the most popular in the world. It allows businesses to reach their core targeted audience by running paid ads through its advertising  platform. It allows businesses to create an account and set up a budget with bidding focused on keywords. Google gets the payment as per the predetermined bidding options and businesses get to reach their target audience. 



21. Name some of the Google Ads Ad Extensions names. 


Ans. Some of the google ads ad extensions are as below.


Location extensions 

Sitelink extensions 

Call extensions 

App extensions 

Callout extensions 

Review extensions 

Structured snippet extensions 

Image extensions 

Price extensions 

Automated extensions report 

Previous visits 

Dynamic sitelink extensions 

Dynamic structured snippets



22. What is the limit for Google Ads Ad characters?


Ans. For Google Ads Ad characters, the limit for headlines and subheadlines is up to 30 characters. The description limit on the other hand should be within 90 characters.



23. Do you know the required parts of a Google text ad?


Ans. A Google text ad has 3 parts that consist of Headline Text, Display URL, and Description Text.



24. How are Ad Ranks calculated in Google Ads?


Ans. Ad rank is calculated in Google Ads by multiplying the CPC bid with the quality score.



25. Tell us what you know about Ad Scheduling.


Ans. Ad scheduling helps marketers and advertisers to set up a specific time (hours or days) with bid adjustments when the ads would be displayed to the target audience. Ad scheduling ensures that the ads run at the optimum time and achieve targeted results. 



26. What is the difference between Google Ads and AdSense? 


Ans. Both of these services are part of Google’s advertising network. With Google Ads, you can advertise on Google’s network. On the other hand, with AdSense, the publishers’ reserve space for Google Ads advert placements on their sites.



27. Name the different ad formats that are available on Google Ads.


Ans. These are the different ad formats available on Google Ads.


Text ads- Have only text content.


Responsive display ads- Text or image ads that can adjust their size and format depending on the space provided. 


Image ads- Use static or interactive images with formats like .gif, .jpeg, flash, etc.


Video ads- As the name implies video ads are shown on social media sites, websites, and streaming platforms. 


Product shopping ads- Displays product details like title, store name, and price. 


App promotion ads- For promoting app downloads. 


Call-only ads- Displays phone numbers to connect the viewers to the business advertised. 



28. Explain Google AdWords Remarketing.


Ans. Google AdWords Remarketing is a marketing strategy that targets website visitors that have not completed a CTA like a purchase or a subscription. Google AdWords Remarketing boosts conversions by turning website visitors into prospective, current, and returning customers through retargeting them with tailored ads. 



29. List different types of keyword matching available in Google Ads.


Ans. Different types of keyword matching in Google Ads is as below.


Broad match- Your ads appear when a search query is typed for any word in your key phrase. 


Phrase match- Your ad appears when a search query is typed as per the exact keyword phrase, in its precise order. With exceptions to additional words at the start or the end.


Exact match- Your ads appear when the search query contains the exact keyword phrase. 



30. State some of the reasons for ad rejection on Google Ads. 


Ans. Ads can be rejected and not approved if they violate Google’s advertising policies. These policies include using prohibited content, restricted content, prohibited practices, and editorial and technical reasons. 



31. List some of the automatic bidding strategies on Google Ads.


Ans. Automated bidding sets an automated bid amount that raises the probability of your ads getting clicked or converted. Some of the automated bidding strategies that Google offers are:


Maximized clicks for increased site visits. 


Target impression share to raise your ad visibility on SERPs. 


Target CPA to get more conversions.


Target ROAS to get higher conversion values at the target return on ad spend. 


Maximize Conversions to get maximum conversions for your ad campaign within your budget. 



32. In Google Analytics, tell the difference between page views and sessions. 


Ans. In Google Analytics, page views mean each time a webpage on your site is loaded by the viewer. While a session means a single visit to your website. A single session can have multiple page views where a visitor jumps from one page to another. 



33. What is Google Business Profile? 


Ans. Google Business Profile was previously known as Google My Business. Through this service, a business can be listed on the google search engine to gain better visibility. To gain higher traction, do the following activities regularly on your Google Business Profile. 


Add and update your business information.


Add photos of the business.


Interact with consumers and visitors online.


Respond timely to Google reviews.


So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for SEM through the Google domain. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for PPC marketing below. 

D. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for PPC

34. What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising? 


Ans. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is online advertising when your budget is spent only when a user clicks on your ad on a search engine.


35. What is an effective PPC campaign approach?


Ans. An effective Pay Per Click campaign approach includes the following. 


Add more keywords to expand the reach. 


Split ads into shorter segments to get a better CTR (Click Through Rate).


Review and remove non-performing PPC keywords.


Refine landing pages so they align with individual search queries.


Add negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy. 


36. How do you determine a good PPC landing page?


Ans. A good PPC landing page should have the following attributes. 


A powerful and attention-grabbing headline.


Engaging content including images, gifs, videos, etc.


An effective copy that persuades the visitor.


Has high trust indicators like testimonials, statistics, etc.


Ample white space to capture the viewer’s attention to specific elements on the page. 


A strong call to action with a well-designed lead capture form. 


37. What are some of the essential parts of a PPC campaign?


Ans. Some of the essential parts of a PPC campaign are as below. 


Landing page

Ad copies


Bid Amount

Call to Action


38. How does a PPC campaign improve Lead Generation? 


Ans. An effective PPC campaign improves lead generation in the following ways. 


Attracts the target audience. 


Immediate higher keyword rankings and increased site traffic. 


Enables bids on different stages of the marketing funnel.


Keeps you in total control of the message for each stage of the funnel.


Effective tracking of Return on Investment (ROI).


Helps build your leads database which you can target through other methods too. 


39. List some of the popular PPC tools. 


Ans. Some of the in-demand and useful PPC tools are as below.



Google Ads Editor

AdWords Wrapper

Keyword planner




40. Explain the conversion rate in PPC.


Ans. The conversion rate simply means the number of conversions divided by the total ad clicks. E.g., For 20 conversions from 100 clicks, the conversion rate comes to 20%.


41. Name the different kinds of PPC bidding available.


Ans. These are some of the types of PPC bidding. 


Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is the method where you pay when a viewer clicks on your advert. 


Cost-Per-View (CPV) is the method when you pay when a viewer watches your advert. 


Cost-Per-Impression (CPM) is the method when you pay for the impressions generated by your advert on Google Display Network or Google Search Network. 


So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for PPC marketing. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for email marketing below. 


E. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Email Marketing

42. How to create a great marketing email?


Ans. The primary motive of marketing emails is to raise consumer awareness and engage them with the brand. To achieve this objective, write a strong and appealing subject line. Keep the email simple to understand it easily. Provide information that addresses the users’ needs and shows the way to solve it through a CTA. Add an attractive and useful Call to Action with the landing page link embedded. 


43. State the difference between soft and hard bounce emails in email marketing?


Ans. A soft bounce means that the email had reached the recipient’s email server but has bounced back due to some temporary reason. It may be due to the recipient’s full inbox, or server issues. A hard bounce is when your emails are not delivered due to permanent reasons. These reasons can include invalid email address or emails blocked from the recipient’s end.


44. How can you improve the Click-through-rate (CTR) of your email?

Ans. You can improve the CTR rate of your emails through the following actions. 


Create mobile-friendly emails that are visually appealing and include relevant images. 


Create attractive subject lines with effective preview text and engaging email content. 


Segment and personalize your emails to targeted customers. 


A compelling and clearly visible Call to Action (CTA). 


Continuously A/B Test your emails.


45. What is the Open Rate and Click-through Rate in email marketing parlance?   


Ans. These are metrics used in email marketing campaigns. 


Open Rate refers to the percentage of the recipients who opened the emails. 

Open rate is arrived at by dividing the “Emails opened” with “Emails sent minus emails bounced”. 


While CTR is the percentage of recipients that clicked on your Call to Action. 

CTR is arrived at by dividing the “Number of click-throughs with the “Number of delivered emails”. 


46. What are the Response Rate and Forward Rate in email marketing parlance?   


Ans. These again are metrics used in email marketing campaigns. 


Response rate refers to the percentage of total email recipients that clicked the email campaign link and then completed an action. Response rate is arrived at by dividing the “Number of action taken” with “Number of emails delivered”. 


Forward rate means the rate your subscribers forward and share your email to other email addresses. 

Forward rate is arrived by dividing the “Number of clicks on a share” by “Number for total delivered emails” multiplied by 100. 


47. List some ways to write a great CTA.


Ans. A Call to Action button should be simple to understand and very clear to the audience. Here are some of the ways to create a great CTA. 


Create urgency about the offer with a short and attention grabbing CTA.


Talk in the first person to create a connection with the audience.


Use action-oriented language so the audience is compelled to take action. 


The CTA button should be bold, upfront, and visible to the viewer. 


48. List some ways to recapture your inactive customers.


Ans. You can recapture your inactive customers by engaging them in the following ways.


Create interesting and attractive subject lines.


Personalize the emails and ask for feedback.


Re-engage your subscribers with competitions, polls, games, and giveaways.  


Go for an attractive email design with a consistent schedule. 


49. List some ways to prevent your marketing emails from getting marked as spam. 


Here are some ways to prevent your emails from getting marked as spam.


Always include a From-(Your or Business name).


Create engaging and compelling subject lines along with audience segmentation to vastly improve your open rate. 


Optimize your emails for different devices like mobiles, tablets, and computers.


 Add an “Unsubscribe” link.


Create more text and fewer images and ensure that the text is grammatically correct. 


Optimize the attached images for emails

And finally, request your recipients/subscribers to not mark the emails as spam. 


50. What are some effective email marketing campaigns?


Some effective email marketing campaigns include the below.


Email Newsletters- To connect with the audience.


Behavioral emails- Targeted emails based on the buyer’s persona or user’s behavior.

Acquisition emails- To convert your subscribers to customers.


Promotional emails- Includes offers and promotions to drive sales.


Transactional emails- Routine emails that inform about order confirmations, invoices, and receipts. Can increase traffic to your site. 


Retention emails- To retain and upsell to your customers. 


51. List some best practices for creating great email subject lines.


Here are some of the ways to create compelling subject lines. 


Create personalized subject lines for a higher open rate. You can include an emoji that goes along with your message. 


Write title case subject lines that are short in length yet send the gist of the message across. Also, avoid grammatical mistakes.


Create a sense of emergency. Including a number like dates left, discounts provided for a limited period does that. 


52. List some email marketing tools.


Ans. Some good and popular email marketing tools are Mailchimp, HubSpot email marketing, Campaign Monitor, MailerLite, Litmus, Benchmark Email, Sendinblue, and MailGenius.


So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for the email marketing domain. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for social media marketing below. 


F. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Social Media Marketing

53. List some ways to improve social media engagement for your business.

Ans. At, first, research and find out what social media platforms are popular with your target audience. Then update yourself on the types of engagements of particular social media platforms. E.g., 

Likes and shares on YouTube. 

Retweets or mentions on Twitter.

Likes, and comments on Instagram. 

Then as per the engagement, create strategies to improve it. You can do it by creating non-offensive humorous posts, tagging your brand with popular trends that are relevant to it, announcing giveaways, using hashtags on Twitter and Instagram, and creating a sense of urgency and fear of missing out on your products. 

54. How do you respond to negative comments and feedback on your organization’s social media handles?

Ans. Here are some effective ways to respond and do damage control to any negative feedback on your social media channels.

Acknowledge the comments and check what went wrong. Show empathy with the customers and start a constructive dialogue with them to fix the issue.

Solve your customer’s problems and reach out to them through available channels like comments, emails, and phone calls. This converts your user’s experience from negative to positive and counters bad publicity with a positive one. 

Stay in touch with the customers even after the issue is fixed. This encourages brand loyalty and you get a long-term customer. You can ask the customers to leave a positive feedback too when the issue is resolved. 

Also, leave the trolls and never engage with them. They thrive on publicity and negativity and ignoring them is the best way to deal with them. 

55. List different types of Facebook ads. 

Ans. Here is a list of different types of Facebook ads.

Single image ads as the name suggests are single image advertisements. These consist of an ad image, an optional text on top, a link description that connects to your site, and a CTA. 

Multi-product ads come in carousel form, which allows your viewers to view the different products you offer along with a CTA. 

Video ads range from 1 second to 241 minutes and are the most popular and engaging. 

Lead ads generate leads like viewer details, e.g., names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. 

Slideshow ads are interactive ads that provide an immersive user experience. 

Collection Ads use images, slideshows, and videos to advertise a range of products at once. 

56. List some of the KPIs for social media reporting.

Ans. The most used Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in social media reporting are as below. 








Traffic data

Brand mentions

57. What things need to be kept in mind when advertising on Twitter? 

Ans. Focus on these things for a successful Twitter ad campaign. 

Use hashtags that are relevant to your brand and avoid those that are not. 

Your ad copy should be concise and to the point and your ads mobile-friendly. 

Emphasize the urgency of your offer so your audience is compelled to take action. 


Instead of currency value, express discounts and offers in percentages. 

58. How can you utilize YouTube for digital marketing?

Ans. YouTube is a very popular streaming channel with an enormous audience reach. Make full use of it to create interesting and engaging videos related to your business and brand. Educate your audience, reach more viewers and subscribers, create brand awareness, and promote your products and services through this platform. 

So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for the social media marketing domain. Now let’s move on to digital marketing questions and answers for Content marketing below. 

G. Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers for Content Marketing

59. What are the key elements of good web content?

Ans. To create good web content, keep these elements in mind. 

Create content that is useful to the viewer. This boosts user engagement and helps your content rank higher in the SERPs.

Your content should be well-structured with headlines, images, infographics, and relevant videos to drive up user engagement. 

Publish content that is original and credible. Ensure that the content is not plagiarized with information coming from legitimate sources and not based on hearsay. 

Create content that nudges and drives the viewers to your desired call to action. 

60. What is the decision-making process to select a topic or subject to create content for? 

Ans. Follow the below checklist to finalize your topics.

First of all, identify your target consumer and their needs and pain points.

Next research primary keywords and secondary keywords relevant to the business. 

Also, analyze conversations on social media regarding your business domain and also of your nearest competitors.  

Analyze blogs and articles related to your products and services from other websites, experts, etc. 

61. Explain some of the best practices to edit a copy. 

Ans. The best practice to edit and create an excellent copy is to use simple words that get your message across. Do not use jargon, slang, flowery, convoluted, complicated, and outdated words and language. Do not repeat yourself so as to keep the novelty and not put off the audience. Use short sentences to keep the reader’s attention. And lastly, use online proofreading tools and style guides that match your audience profile. 

62. How do you finalize the tone of your content?

Ans. The tone of your content depends on the brand personality, the audience profile, and the channels through which you are publishing and distributing the content. 

63. What are the key metrics for content marketing? 

Ans. You can measure the success of your content marketing campaign through the following metrics.

Increased website traffic- Use any Analytics program like Google Analytics to measure it.

User behavior including repeat traffic- Use any Analytics platform to track repeat traffic, page views, sessions, and time spent on a page along with bounce rate.

Shares and Backlinks- Use BuzzSumo, SEMRush, and others tools to check how your content is being shared and if you are referenced by established sites in your domain. 

Keyword rankings, Impressions, and Click-through Rates- Use SEMRush and Google Search Console to check your keyword rankings and if your content is getting high impressions and CTR. 

CTA- Use any Analytics platform to check the number of leads, inquiries, downloads, subscriptions, purchases, or other desired Calls to Action. 

So, these are some of the frequently asked digital marketing interview questions and answers for the content marketing domain. Now let’s move on to some general digital marketing questions and answers that are usually asked in interviews. 

General Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

64. Explain Mobile-First Indexing.

Ans. Google’s algorithms prefer mobile-friendly content for indexing and ranking sites. If your website has a responsive design and great content, then it has a higher chance of being ranked higher on Google search results. This is what mobile-first indexing is all about. 

65. Explain what is AMP.

Ans. AMP is short for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is an open-source library supported by Google and Twitter to help create fast-loading web pages. It helps digital marketers and website publishers create mobile-friendly pages that are compatible with a wide range of browsers and well supported on different platforms. 

67. Name some good and budget-friendly digital marketing automation tools and platforms.

Ans. Some of the scalable marketing automation tools and platforms that are budget friendly are as below.





Constant Contact




Mailchimp, and


68. How are Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) similar and different? 

Ans. The core purpose of SEM and SEO is the same, i.e., to raise traffic to the site. To achieve this, both strategies use keyword research and do continuous testing and optimization. 

The difference between the two is that SEM uses paid search strategy while SEO is focused on organic results. Also, the impact of SEM is instant while SEO being organic takes time but with long-term results. 

Another difference that comes to mind is that to improve search results, SEM uses ad extensions while SEO uses rich snippets. 

69. How can your website avoid Google penalty?

Ans. You can avoid the Google penalty by adhering to the following norms. 

Keep your website design clean and simple so it performs well. 

Ensure that your website has a responsive design so it is mobile-friendly and provides a great visitor experience. 

Do not use plagiarized and duplicate content. 

Use smart keywords and tags and ensure that the links are not broken. 

70. What are the key elements to look out for during website development? 

Ans. These are the essential elements to focus on during website development.

A good site architecture, and navigation with sitemap so that search engine bots understand your website structure and access and index the content with ease. 

A responsive design that makes your website mobile and browser friendly. This provides an amazing user experience and increases the viewer time spent on the site thus raising the website’s ranking. 

Robot.txt files to instruct search engine bots on how and which parts to crawl on the website. These files instruct the bots to ignore pages that do not need to be indexed.