
How to Become an SEO Expert in 2024 | Digifine Institute

How to Become an SEO Expert in 2024

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is technically an organic method of increasing the rankings or visibility of your website on search engines research pages (SERPs). To explain simply, let’s say you want to learn more about SEO, so you go ahead and type something like this on a search engine such as Google: ‘What is SEO’, ‘Meaning of SEO’, ‘How to learn SEO’, etc. These are called keywords, which can be either words or phrases that are commonly entered by users. SEO focuses largely on the use of such keywords in order to rank as high as possible on SERPs. The reason it is termed organic is because instead of spending money on advertising directly, its emphasis is on relevant, value-based, quality content that is both clear to understand and makes optimum use of keywords. Read further to get some insights into How to Become an SEO Expert in 2024.

Growth & Importance of SEO in Businesses:

A lot of businesses today rely on paid advertising to increase their visibility online. However, simply spending money does not suffice in improving customer reach and building quality content for the long-term. A more well-rounded approach entails the need for businesses to invest in high-value SEO practices – along with other marketing methods – for maximum, lasting results.


  • Develop and Improve Online Presence & Visibility – SEO is always going to stay relevant and necessary for brands to be able to develop a reputable online presence and improve their visibility. Top rankings achieved through SEO increase organic clicks and website traffic while helping brands stay ahead of competition.
  • Long-term Value & Success – Since SEO is more centred around building a strong, well-packed and well-rounded content base for websites, it goes a long way in helping brands stay relevant even in the future. It is a gradual and rewarding process towards successful business 
  • Better Customer Relationships – Local SEO focuses on location-specific keywords, for instance ‘Best SEO Institute in Mumbai’. This helps specific audiences near you to be able to instantly recognise an affinity to your business and feel relative ease in reaching out to you. With higher rankings, SEO is able to foster more trust and establish credibility, showing users that your website is a reliable source of information. It improves user experience by reaching the right customers, thus promoting user engagement rates.
  • Cost-effectiveness & Higher ROI – Since SEO is extremely cheap in terms of money and pretty cost-effective when done right, small businesses benefit a lot from investing in it. Even with a low budget, they can lay more focus on building quality content and mastering SEO practices to grow themselves and stay on par with other, potentially bigger competitors. Another way of putting this is that SEO can fetch a higher Return On Investment (ROI) for brands.

Higher Conversion and Retention Rates – Visitors on your website can turn into customers if they’re adequately convinced by your content and the legitimacy of your brand. Also, existing customers can feel affirmed for trusting your brand when they see your website at the top of SERPs and find constant credibility and evolution in your content.

Demand for SEO Experts & Specialists:

 You’re now aware of the overarching advantages for businesses to have good SEO practices in place. SEO experts or SEO Specialists are people who have acquired in-depth knowledge about SEO and can make the best use of it to help a business grow itself qualitatively in the ever-competitive digital sphere. SEO professionals are aware and well-versed with how these practices can be tapped to fetch maximum results. With the need for SEO having proven to be absolutely crucial, the demand for SEO experts or specialists is escalating in umpteen companies. 

SEO Salary in India ranges from anywhere between 1.2 lakhs as a fresher to as high as 7 lakhs or more as per your skills and experience. 

So if you’re thinking about stepping foot into this field, don’t bother thinking twice and find below a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to become an SEO expert in 2024!


Essential Steps on How to Become an SEO Expert in 2024:

Get a Clear Understanding of Search Engines –

In order to get better SERP rankings, you will first need to know how they really work. You will have to develop a clear, deep understanding of what criteria is used by search engines like Google and the steps they go through to decide which websites must have higher organic rankings. For example, an important piece of indispensable information to you as an SEO expert would be to know that Google uses an automated, algorithmic approach to identifying, analysing and ranking websites. How is this useful? It gives you a different perspective, in the sense that the website content you create will have to be clear and coherent to bots that will sort through it to spot keywords, compare it with several other sites and rank it on the basis of relevance, quality, and other metrics.

Get Your Basics Right – 

The next step for you would be to focus on the fundamentals of SEO and SEO-related practices. SEO has a lot of technical topics and aspects to it. A few of the common types are On-page SEO, Off-page SEO, Local SEO and Technical SEO. Get a good grip over everything you can understand as a beginner. This will give you incredible ease in moving forward with the more challenging and critical areas further.

Get Familiar with SEO Tools –

There are numerous free and paid tools available to aid you in your SEO endeavours. Since it is most definitely a process backed by data and using it to your advantage, these tools will help you with just that. You can follow online guides or sign up for courses that may teach you how to use these tools to your best interest. Some of them are: Google Analytics, Google Trends, Google Ads Keyword Planner, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, Semrush, Screaming Frog, etc.

Master SEO Skills –

SEO isn’t all about theoretical concepts. It is more so concerned with practical results and a creative, vigilant approach. Mastery in SEO does not come without practice. Your next step is to keep working on the skills and knowledge you’ve gained from various sources. Eventually, you will get better at it and be able to perfect your skills as well as tackle more complicated and challenging projects.

Work on Projects and Build Experience –

One way to test your skills and gain insights into how good you’ve become at SEO is to work on new, interesting projects and simultaneously hone your skills. You will have to build your credibility with experience and expertise. While doing this, you can also engage with fellow SEO enthusiasts and professionals to learn from them and gain different perspectives. It is important to make good industry connections in this field as well. Enlarge your portfolio not only in volume, but also qualitatively. You can even have your own website to showcase dependable results and your knowledge on all things SEO. This will add another dimension to your profile as an SEO Expert / SEO Specialist.

Courses and Institute to learn SEO:

What if you had access to a single place where you could learn and master all the above steps on your journey to becoming an SEO expert?

Digifine Academy of Digital Education (DADE) is here to make things easier for you! With a highly experienced faculty, comprehensive modules and a practical approach, get closer to your goal of mastering SEO. Why not add a cherry on the top with a digital marketing course with 100% placement guarantee as well? Digifine, a globally recognised Digital Marketing institute, gives you just that, along with international certifications and a corpus of high-quality courses to choose from. Find below some information on their courses, a few topics covered in their SEO modules, course fees and contact details:

Courses offering in-depth modules on SEO – Digifine Graduate Digital Marketing Program, Professional Digital Marketing Program 

Topics in ‘Search Engine Optimization’ module – Website Linking Process, Search Console/ Webmaster, Understanding Keywords

Topics in ‘On-page SEO’ module – Meta Title and Meta Descriptions, Content Optimization, Keyword Density, Sitemap Setup, Google Analytics Setup, Keyword Stuffing

Topics in ‘Off-page SEO’ module – Introduction to DA, PA and Spam Score, Blog Commenting, Forum Posting, Social Bookmarking, Do’s and Don’ts of Link Building 

Fees – Starting from 33,000/-


+91 8879025425 / +91 8169004863 / +91 8108119678

Don’t let anything stop you from becoming a coveted SEO Expert in 2024! Learn through the best SEO expert course now!